( Frequent Asked Questions )
It is an Acronym, which stands for Hyve Management Systems.
Hyve Management Systems is an integrated business service provider of data analytics, Spend Management and Virtual logistics.
To build management systems that will continuously provide clients with real-time data and intelligence to drive business decisions.
To become Africa’s most resourceful enterprise data powerhouse to drive spend management decisions and policy-decision making.
To drive the transformation agenda of African businesses by leveraging on data to ensure optimum spending, and the application of information technology to generate just-in-time actionable intelligence to inform policy formulation and superior decision-making.
Our running management systems include:
- Isourceplus: A sourcing and procurement collaborative platform.
- Customer Experience Window: A single window with a multi-customer experience metric.
- Greengo_hub: A waste and recycling management collaborative platform.
- The Intel Vault: A virtual storage vault for academic work. Click here
- Project-X: A Customer Relationship Management platform designed for workmen to facilitate seamless team collaboration base on a common standard operating procedure.
- Survey-Radar: A research database application platform.
It is one of the tri-structure of Hyve Management Systems that is solely responsible for all spend management issues of every project.
Spend management is a management practice where spend intelligence are leveraged to drive sourcing and procurement decisions.
The unit’s key responsibility is to ensure that the financial resources are used in a cost effective manner without compromising on the deliverables of the project.
We leverage on our pool of procurement and supply chain intelligence through our management systems.
The unit is made up of domain experts of procurement and supply chain data analyst and financial data analyst.
We leverage on our in-house database application platform called Survey-Radar which is seamlessly integrated with statistical tools.
It is one of the tri-structure of Hyve Management Systems that is solely responsible for defining suitable methodologies to generate actionable intelligence..
They are statistical key indicators that are use to measure performances.
In any research or statistical analysis, the unit is responsible for identifying the right statistical tools and suitable methodologies to generate a highly reliable statistical reports for decision making
we use industry statistical tools and software to efficiently and effectively deliver within time.
The unit is made up of domain experts of statistician, data scientist and actuarial scientist.
We leverage on our in-house database application platform called Survey-Radar which is seamlessly integrated with statistical tools.
It is one of the tri-structure of Hyve Management Systems that is solely responsible for developing and or identifying the right technology to meet out client’s expectations.
Virtual logistics is the deployment of suitable technologies to identify, capture, process, store and deploy information when client needs it.
In any project where technology is required, the unit conducts a comprehensive assessment to generate all the documentary requirements to develop the application.
We conform to industry best practices with the right skills sets required to meet expectations.
The unit is made up of domain experts in systems analyst, UI/UX designers, frontend and backend developers, network engineers etc.
We adapt and adopt the latest technology and methodology required to meet client expectations.
Our 3-dimensional core expertise to transform and sustain your business competitiveness
Transforming Data into Value and Actionable intelligence.
Developing and managing the total virtual logistics to support business.
Identify, Analyze and generate spend intelligence.